Busy Bee [o/m]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
Busy Bee [o/m]
POSTED ON Apr 26, 2020 18:19:27 GMT
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[attr="class","hallowedbreezes-title"]feed me

[attr="class","hallowedbreezes-subtitle"]paint me darling fleur

[attr="class","hallowedbreezes-tag"] @open


"Phew... This really is something else..." [break][break]

There were critters, critters everywhere. Big and small they all crawled or buzzed from spot to spot inside one of the massive factories of Rustboro City. Because of the possible danger of the situation, all of the factory workers had been evacuated out of the building. It had halted some of the nearby companies' sales as the production of their goods were stopped. Charli Webbe, a Ranger Cadet had been called out to help clear out the infestation so that everyone could get back to work. [break][break]

She'd seen many strange things and been assigned to various icky missions in the past, but this was definitely up there on her list of bizarre tasks. Accompanied by her Scyther, the blonde lady carefully walked the hallways of the large building. She turned to the flying bug and grinned, "Well, I guess we'll really have quite a task ahead of us. You ready, Slade?" [break][break]

Her partner chimed in agreement. [break][break]

They continued forward, eyes peeled for any incoming opponents.


NOTES: Link to mission.

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Sailor's Mouth
April 3rd
League Officer
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @june
June Fair
Busy Bee [o/m]
POSTED ON May 2, 2020 17:29:42 GMT
June Fair Avatar
Being an exterminator wasn’t what June signed up for so she wasn’t exactly eager to get the job going but when she showed up to the place that was infested her opinion on the job changed.

The building was much more infested than she was led to believe and the urgency in which the bugs had to be removed gave the young woman more leeway to cut loose which was great.

June had rushed in, not even waiting for whoever she was working with to show before starting to root out the bugs. The sounds of fighting could be heard ringing through the building, all June’s work.

She was in the middle of clearing out a room, blasting a bug out of the room and into the hallway. The door would fly open as the bug Pokémon crashed through it, followed shortly by June and her Duraladon.

”Oh?” She had forgotten she wasn’t the only person on this job so the sight of someone else was confusing at first. What was even more so of a surprise was the fact that she recognized the face.

”Oh hey you’re that ranger! Charli, right?” June would approach the other woman with a smile and a wave.

”Funny meeting you here! The place really is as bad as it looks! Brick and I have been trying to clear it out the best we can but they just seem to keep coming!” She laughed, the girl was much too excited.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
Busy Bee [o/m]
POSTED ON May 13, 2020 23:37:05 GMT
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[attr="class","hallowedbreezes-title"]feed me

[attr="class","hallowedbreezes-subtitle"]paint me darling fleur

[attr="class","hallowedbreezes-tag"] @open


"Weew, maybe they didn't need that much help after all!" [break][break]

The golden-haired ranger sidestepped the blasted bug before stepping into the room. She whistled in awe, having caught sights of the countless defeated bug Pokemon on the ground. Someone had clearly gone to town when it came to dealing with this bothersome infestation. Blue eyes focused upward. A familiar sunset-haired girl was approaching forward. Charli gave a wide grin; the one behind this all was June! [break][break]

"Hey!" Charli replied, only reflecting June's same excitement. "It's great to meetcha again too, dude! I was actually assigned here for a Ranger job. You ain't kidding about the 'keep coming' part." Her Scyther groaned in agreement. There were just so many, she had no idea how they'd successfully clear out the building. [break][break]


There wasn't much more time for pleasantries, however. A loud buzzing sound resounded from out in the hallway. An aggressive Beedrill flew forward with great speed, attempting to attack June and her partner with a Fell Stinger attack.


NOTES: ---

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Sailor's Mouth
April 3rd
League Officer
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @june
June Fair
Busy Bee [o/m]
POSTED ON May 14, 2020 20:41:30 GMT
June Fair Avatar
”Figure this job is a lot more interesting than making sure people pick up their trash, huh?” June teased, alluding to one of their conversations from the last time they had met.

”If we can find out why they’re here in the first place then maybe we can do some serious damage to their numbers. Maybe even drive the mall out while we’re at it.” The cadet folded her arms, giving the premise more thought. What could have brought them all here? It wasn’t normal for bug Pokémon to just horde a place like this without some sort of reason.

They wouldn’t be able to think of it for much longer, a rather bold Beedrill decided this was its time to shine.

”Light the bastard up, Brick!” June’s Duraludon stood in front of his trainer, protecting her from any sort of harm and enduring the Fell Stinger before firing off a booming Flash Cannon.

”Cheeky damn bug wasn’t it? Well good job there, Brick.” But it seems like their commotion attracted the attention of more bugs.

”Well shit.”

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
Busy Bee [o/m]
POSTED ON May 18, 2020 23:24:47 GMT
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[attr="class","hallowedbreezes-title"]feed me

[attr="class","hallowedbreezes-subtitle"]paint me darling fleur

[attr="class","hallowedbreezes-tag"] @open


June's Duraludon successfully blocked the attack from the agitated Beedrill and forced the bug away from the group. But there were many more enemies awaiting the pair of girls. Charli had heard June's suggestion and nodded, "Me and Slade over here had been trying to do that, but all of these vermin keep jumping at us before we can get very far," She grumbled, quickly throwing out another Pokeball of her's. She released Spike, her Hakamo-o. Together with the Scyther, Charli's two Pokemon released a Vaccum Wave and Dragon Claw attack that burst a hole through the growing wall of bug Pokemon. [break][break]

She motioned for June and her Pokemon to follow along. "Quick, let's keep running before they surround us again!" Charli advised, quick to continue jogging forward. [break][break]

"Whatever drew them in here is somewhere in this building!" The blonde considered, eyes looking to and fro for any possible clues. "It might be dangerous to split up... We can stick together for now." She said. They were on one of the lower levels of the factory. [break][break]

"It's probably at the top-- whatever they're looking for!"


NOTES: ---

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Sailor's Mouth
April 3rd
League Officer
95 height
95 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @june
June Fair
Busy Bee [o/m]
POSTED ON May 21, 2020 18:08:27 GMT
June Fair Avatar
June returned her Duraludon and then pulled out two new capsules, releasing both her Scorbunny and Charmander.

”Flamethrower! Ember!” She ordered to her two little fire types as an attempt to keep the bugs back from swarming them. June nodded at Charli’s suggestion, calling off her Pokémon’s attack so they could follow behind the blonde.

”Sticking together works for me.” June replied. They’d have to cover a lot of ground but better to be safer than try to get the job done faster and end up in a world of trouble.

Charli was probably on to something with her suggestion about the source being at the top. The more they climbed up the building the worse it seemed to get, even going up the stairs had their fair share of bugs to deal with. Luckily and despite them being small, June’s two fire types were working out in terms of fending them off.

”Alright you heard her, boys! Let’s pick up the pace, we’ve got to get to the top!” She exclaimed, rallying her troops as then they all then picked up the speed and began charging up the stairs.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
Busy Bee [o/m]
POSTED ON May 23, 2020 17:20:34 GMT
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[attr="class","hallowedbreezes-title"]feed me

[attr="class","hallowedbreezes-subtitle"]paint me darling fleur

[attr="class","hallowedbreezes-tag"] @open


The two trainers' dynamic duos helped clear a path for the group to continue their trek to the building's upper level. They had blasted and barged through countless bug-types now, far too many to count. "Whatever's drawing these bastards in better be good if we've gotta knock so many out," Muttered Charli, expressing an uncharacteristic feeling of sympathy for her fallen foes. They'd get to the bottom of this. [break][break]

Charli and June found themselves at another level now. It wasn't the top, but they were nearing it. Before the Ranger could get another step in, however, more pests came flying in from a corner. "Dammit, more of 'em." [break][break]

The lady's Scyther was observant. It began to screech and point its cutting blades towards an air vent above of them. Charli blinked for a moment as she attempted to understand what Slade wanted. [BREAK][BREAK]

"Oh!" [break][break]

She snapped her fingers. "We could lead some of them out of the hallway from there. There's another vent just ahead. If someone climbed up in there, we could trick em into running into a blast of sorts," Charli figured. Her brows furrowed a bit. "But... Are you sure you want to do that, Slade?" [break][break]

The green-skinned dual-type nodded and spread its wings. It faced the mob of bugs to get their attention before leading them into the vent's system. Charli followed the path on foot. [break][break]

"Spike! Go up ahead and prepare an Outrage at the opening at the other end!" Commanded Charli to her Hakamo-o. While the dragon rushed over, she turned to June. "Feel free to get your Charmander or Scorbunny to blast at 'em, too!"


NOTES: ---

[newclass=".hallowedbreezes"]margin: 10px auto; max-width: 87%; max-height: 500px; min-height: 400px; background: #f9f9f9; padding: 10px; position: relative; display: grid; grid-template: auto / 43% 1fr; color: #222;[/newclass]
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Sailor's Mouth
April 3rd
League Officer
95 height
95 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @june
June Fair
Busy Bee [o/m]
POSTED ON May 30, 2020 5:42:07 GMT
June Fair Avatar
”Sounds like a good idea as any to me.” Anything to try and get all of these bug off of them. June was happy to get out here and do some real work but it was just her luck it’d end up lke this.

Luckily for her she had a team that was good at crowd control moments like these so she should be fine as long as she keeps her wits about her.

”Alright! You heard her! Go help out and let these bugs!” The two little fire Pokémon ran off to help Charli and hers, firing off their fire attacks, unleashing a big team move.

”Phew! Now that’s a pretty sight, ain’t it?” June whistled, looking at the effect of their little maneuver. With this they should be able to get deeper into the building without as many bugs on this time.

The Shula Region
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